With a Passion
for Personnel Administration
It all began in an office hotel in Kumla back in 1990. A man named Miran Dennerqvist had decided it was time for the next step: leaving his programmer job, starting his own business, and letting his burning passion for personnel administration and software development flourish. And so, the company that would later be named Flex Applications was born.
Fast-forward a few years to the latter half of the 1990s. "The X-Files" was playing on (bulky) TVs, and The Cardigans topped the music charts. And then there was that new exciting thing called the Internet. It was a gateway to the world, bringing it straight into our living rooms (or, well, via a buzzing and screeching modem).
It didn't take long before a new vision took shape within Flex Applications' development team. Once again, the company aimed to be the first with the latest: a complete web-based personnel system.