Guide: 6 Steps to Successful Internal Communication

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Messages that aren’t delivered, tasks that aren’t followed up, the hours spent searching for information…Poor internal communication usually affects the entire organization. So, what are the risk factors that make organizational communication insufficient? And what are the winning concepts? Here are six tips on how to make internal communication work.

When internal communication isn’t flowing as it should at work, it may cause some problems. Information can go missing or end up with the wrong person. Or the information is redundant, making it challenging to filter all the messages on different channels. Alternatively, feedback channels are non-existent, and the co-workers have little or no possibility of reconnecting with managers or the board. This may, unfortunately, cause a great deal of confusion about what should be done or achieved in the workplace. Whoever has experienced something similar can probably agree that it can be extremely frustrating – not to mention that it will cause collaboration and work processes to suffer.

Why You Need to Level Up Your Internal Communication

One reason is to clarify the company’s purpose and goal to the employees. When the end goal is clear, it becomes easier to work together – because everybody is headed in the same direction. This contributes to increased employee engagement and a stronger sense of community in the workplace.

Another reason is today’s job market and the constant battle over talent. By investing in internal communication, you are increasing your possibilities to motivate and retain your employees. And the fact is, well-organized internal communication seems to ensure better business. A 2021 survey from Brilliant Future showed that companies with employees who experienced good communication in the workplace had 18 percent higher profitability than companies where the employees experienced the opposite. So, how do you succeed, then? Here are a few things to think about to get your internal communication flowing effortlessly.

Improve Your Internal Communication – 6 Tips

  1. View the communication as a dialogue
    Note that internal communication isn’t only about transferring information – successful internal communication comes when everyone at the company views your communication as an ongoing dialogue. Is it possible for all employees to give feedback and share their ideas and viewpoints? This is an essential key to getting your employees motivated and engaged.

  2. Set Up an Internal Communication Plan
    It is not uncommon for organizations to put most of their effort into external communication, which is completely understandable. But companies that put some of that effort into setting up an internal communication plan give their employees better conditions to do a good job. Your internal communication plan should primarily answer the questions, “What type of information are we communicating, and through which channel/s?” When all employees know where to communicate what type of information – that’s when you have the proper foundation to get your communication flowing.

  3. Choose the Correct Channel…
    Email, employee portals, collaboration apps, messaging apps, project management tools, video conference tools, cloud storage services, file archives…information can be mediated and stored in several ways, and what channel or storage device is most suitable isn’t always obvious. Start with examining what you are using today – where is the information, and where do you communicate? If possible, gather the information in one place to ensure it is easily accessible for your employees. Also, consider whether the communication channels you currently use really serve their purpose – or if they can be switched to smarter tools that better suit your needs.

    Do you want to automate your communication flow? Read more about how a web-based personnel system can facilitate the company’s communication.

  4. …According to the Role
    It is also important to look at where the employees work and plan your communication accordingly. Are they usually on the go? Or at the computer? No matter where they work, choose the channel after their role. Perhaps email contact isn’t the best alternative if they are moving around during their workdays. The person working in a factory may be easier to reach through a digital info screen, or why not use the old-fashioned bulletin board?

  5. Does Everyone Need All the Information?
    When many different messages are being communicated through several channels, it rapidly becomes a lot of information. Therefore, it is a good idea to review if the information you are going to deliver is relevant for everyone in the company. In other words, communicate to the right people – and your employees won’t have to waste their time filtering countless emails and messages that aren’t relevant to them.

  6. Communicate Goals and Vision
    Last but not least, the company’s overall business goals and vision should be at the core of well-functioning internal communication. Working strategically with your internal communication will give your employees the right conditions to work towards the same purpose and goal.

Time to Work Smarter with Communication?

Are you and your colleagues struggling with your communication flow at work? Are you finished with endless email threads, angry reminders, and piles of sticky notes? Or do you have staff members working in the field without access to a job email? With the right digital tools, you can keep synced without hassle. In our web-based personnel system Flex HRM we have put great effort into digitalizing and automating the information flow to let staff members and managers communicate in the way that suits them best – through intelligent built-in functions in our app and our web portal.

Curious to know more about smart shortcuts? Contact us, and we will tell you more about how Flex HRM can facilitate the workday for you and your colleagues.

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