How to Boost Employee Engagement – 6 Tips

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What does having engaged employees really mean? How can you tell if employee engagement is strong (or lacking)? And most importantly – how can you foster employee engagement? Let’s dive in!

What is Employee Engagement?

There are numerous definitions of the term, but most interpretations share a common theme: It’s described as the emotional connection employees have with their work and workplace, or their sense of commitment or enthusiasm towards the company where they work.

So, how is employee engagement generally faring? Well, it's somewhat mediocre, it seems. According to Gallup's State of the Global Workplace 2024 report, 62% of the world's employees are "not engaged," meaning they put in the bare minimum effort. Additionally, 15% are "actively disengaged," indicating they are dissatisfied and actively seeking new jobs. This lack of engagement significantly impacts productivity and is estimated to cost the global economy around $8.9 trillion, equivalent to 9% of the world's GDP.

Many Benefits of High Engagement

A strong employee engagement is, of course, a crucial factor for the success of any organization. It’s quite clear: An employee who is emotionally invested and cares about the company’s success will strive to do their best to help the team (and consequently the company) achieve its goals. This contributes to:

- Increased productivity and customer satisfaction. Employees with high engagement simply perform better than those with low engagement. They often have a greater customer focus and are excellent ambassadors for the business, leading to more satisfied customers.

- Reduced absenteeism. Companies with high employee engagement typically see lower absenteeism.

- Decreased staff turnover. High employee engagement = a greater chance that employees will stay with the employer.

What Drives Employee Engagement?

But what drives engagement, and how does it develop? Here’s the thing: Most of us want to feel we have a purpose in the jobs we do. We also appreciate some form of recognition for it. Ideally, we also want to grow and develop. If we don’t, we risk losing motivation – and over time, our engagement at work. However, having a purpose, being recognized, and developing – these things don’t happen on their own. They come from dedicated efforts by management and leaders who consistently listen to their employees.

6 Practical Steps to Boost Employee Engagement

So, what can you as a leader do to increase employee engagement? Here are six tips to jump-start the work.

  1. Understand your current employee engagement

    Are there areas lacking motivation? Is clearer communication needed in other areas? Are there improvements to be made in leadership? And would your employees recommend your workplace? Today, many effective pulse measurement tools are available to find out what employees think, and using them is an effective way to understand what might need change.

    The benefit of measuring employee engagement is that as a leader, you not only learn how your employees feel about their jobs and their level of motivation – it also becomes clear what steps the organization needs to take to enhance engagement.

    Read more: Streamline your pulse surveys with Winningtemp and Flex Applications.

  2. Evaluate your company culture

    Another good starting point is to ask yourself what your company culture looks like currently. Company culture can be summarized as the norms, values, and attitudes that permeate the workplace, significantly affecting employees. Not only their job satisfaction and experience but also their engagement. Begin with a current state analysis to map out the culture. What positive behaviors and routines do you want to reinforce and encourage? Is there something you are particularly proud of? What culture assists you in reaching your business goals?

  3. Clear expectations are key

    Have you ever felt unsure about what your manager expects from you? Perhaps you invested many (wasted) hours in a project only to find out later that your manager wanted something entirely different? Ugh. Unclear expectations from management can create uncertainty and unmotivated employees – which can unfortunately be devastating for engagement. If you as a manager can be clear about your expectations for employees, trust will increase while the risk of misunderstandings decreases.

  4. Communicate with dialogue

    Remember that communication from management should not just be about disseminating information – consider it an ongoing dialogue. Is there an opportunity for all employees to provide feedback and come up with ideas and opinions? Great! That's a crucial key to having motivated and engaged employees.

  5. Let the talent shine!

    Is the right person in the right role? Is there knowledge among your employees that goes untapped? Checking in occasionally with employees to see if they are content with their work tasks is important. Even if most employees feel they are in the right place, everyone needs to take new steps in their knowledge over time – we simply feel better when we’re developing. Therefore, find out where the strengths and interests of employees lie to guide them in the best way. Working in areas where one excels is the best foundation for becoming an engaged employee.

  6. Reflect employee engagement back

    Det är såklart inte bara hos medarbetarna som engagemang behövs – även ledning och chefer behöver vara engagerade tillbaka och visa att de är villiga att satsa på sina medarbetare. På dagens arbetsmarknad, där ett flertal yrkesroller, arbetsuppgifter och arbetssätt förändras och utvecklas snabbare än någonsin, blir det också extra viktigt att kunna erbjuda de anställda utvecklingsmöjligheter. Inte bara för att behålla dem, men också för att – du gissade rätt igen – det påverkar medarbetarengagemanget. Se över hur ni som arbetsgivare kan hjälpa era medarbetare att växa i (eller byta) sina roller – ofta finns goda möjligheter till både upskilling och reskilling.

Complete Insight into Business Health? Absolutely!

With our HR system Flex HRM Employee, you get a comprehensive and user-friendly toolbox for every phase of the employee journey – from recruitment to exit. With our integration to Winningtemp, you also quickly gain an overview of business health – where results from pulse measurements are displayed directly on the dashboard. Analyze and compare with other critical HR key indicators such as staff turnover and absenteeism – valuable insights await! Curious to know more about the Flex HRM dashboard and how it could assist your business? Feel free to contact us for more information!

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