Key Metrics the Smart Way: Eight Compelling Reasons to Use an HR Dashboard

Flex HRM Dashboard

How does your company measure and track key metrics to gauge its overall health? As a manager, would you like to get an instant snapshot of your company with up-to-date figures every morning? If so, a dashboard is the perfect tool for you! Here, we’ve compiled the top eight benefits of this digital control panel.

A dashboard consolidates crucial data related to both personnel and the company, making it an invaluable resource for management, HR, and others who need a quick, real-time overview of business operations. For instance, what is the current rate of sick leave, and how does it differ between departments A and B? What does the employee turnover rate look like, and what patterns can we identify?

With pie charts, graphs, traffic lights, and other intuitive graphics, a dashboard transforms meaningless numbers into valuable insights with just a few clicks. Are you curious about what a dashboard could do for your business? We’ve outlined the eight main advantages of using the dashboard in Flex HRM – our smart digital tool integrated directly into your HR system.

Eight Reasons to Use a Dashboard for Your Essential HR Metrics

1. Simplifies Data Interpretation

In today’s digital world, accessing data is hardly a challenge for companies – it’s generated in abundance across the various systems we use daily. The challenge arises in the next step when we try to interpret and act on that information, and this is where a dashboard can make all the difference.

The great strength of dashboards lies in their ability to package data in an easily digestible format. Much like a car’s instrument panel, a dashboard is built from various graphical elements that present different types of information intuitively. While tables and spreadsheets can provide vital information, our brains tend to prioritize data that is concrete and easy to interpret.

Did you know it takes us twice as long to identify the highest value in a table compared to a graph? Allowing a dashboard to present your key metrics visually and educationally – using bars, graphs, gauges, and other graphics – is clearly a smarter choice, right?

2. Saves Time and Energy

Hur mycket tid lägger ditt företag på att ta fram och följa upp statistik och nyckeltal? Måste cheferna mejla HR så fort de behöver ta ut en rapport med färska siffror för sin avdelning? Med en dashboard automatiserar ni och snabbar upp hela processen. Cheferna kan själva ta ut relevant statistik direkt i dashboarden – utan att behöva stjäla tid från en kanske redan hårt belastad HR-avdelning. Dessutom kan ni alltid vara säkra på att ni kan lita på datan och att siffror aldrig hinner bli inaktuella, eftersom dashboarden uppdaterar allting i realtid.

3. The Right Information for the Right Person

Which key metrics are most critical and interesting for you? Since we know that needs vary – not just between companies but within them as well – Flex HRM offers the flexibility to customize your solution to meet your specific requirements. You can set up as many dashboards as you need and combine panels and data in numerous ways. Then, assign access to different target audiences, ensuring the right information reaches the right person. This way, management and HR have easy access to the precise information they need, nothing more, nothing less. Meanwhile, other employees can access relevant information by simply checking the personnel system.

4. Standard Dashboard Makes It Easy to Get Started

Do you want to quickly explore the possibilities of dashboards – with minimal preparation? You can! To assist Flex users in getting started, we’ve created a standard dashboard with pre-configured panels. Just activate it for the right target group and let your HR dashboard deliver fresh, well-packaged key metrics. The learning curve is minimal!

5. Visualizes Your Shared Goals

A dashboard provides access to a common situational overview and a compass for the future – where do we stand today and where are we headed? As a bonus, the company will hopefully notice increased engagement, a strengthened sense of community, and more motivated staff. It’s a win-win for both the company and its individual employees!

6. Consolidates Data from Multiple Sources in One View

Is your important data scattered across multiple tools and systems? This can make it challenging to get a good overview. The beauty of using a dashboard integrated into your HR system is that it consolidates data from various sources into a single interface without complicated transfers.

Take sick leave as an example – a crucial indicator of company health. With the Flex HRM dashboard, you can easily extract these numbers, both current and historical, and make comparisons between departments. All this data is seamlessly pulled from time reports within the integrated time system. And if you need access to older data not directly extractable from the system, you can import it into the dashboard via file or API. Pretty smart, right?

7. Make Timely Decisions

För att fatta riktigt välgrundade beslut för er verksamhet räcker det inte med gissningar, ni behöver snabba och tillförlitliga fakta att gå på. Dashboarden i Flex HRM hjälper chefer och ledning att jobba proaktivt och tidigt identifiera varningssignaler och tecken på att ni är på väg åt fel håll – oavsett om det gäller sjukfrånvaro, personalomsättning eller något annat av era kritiska nyckeltal. Detta tack vare den visuella tydligheten och smarta ”trafikljusfunktionen”, med signalfärger och annan grafik som klart och tydligt visar om läget är under kontroll eller om mätarna börjar slår över till rött – så att ni kan agera innan det är för sent.

8. Flexibility on Multiple Levels

Create as many dashboards as you need, customize them for different roles, name them as you like, arrange panels in any way you prefer, experiment with gauges, graphs, and pie charts, make selections and comparisons at both company and department levels. With a dashboard, you get a level of flexibility that isn’t possible with traditional reports and older systems.

Since it’s a cloud-based solution, you’re not tied to an office computer; you can access your dashboards anywhere, anytime on the web or mobile – perfect if you need a quick status update during a meeting.

Getting Started with the Flex HRM Dashboard – A Quick Guide

If you’ve never used dashboards before, they might seem daunting. But in reality, they’re quite straightforward. Follow these four simple steps, and you’ll be up and running.

  1. Create Your Dashboards
    Decide how many you want and what to name them, or use our pre-configured standard dashboard for a flying start.
  2. Determine Who Sees What
    To restrict access to your various dashboards, link them to your different roles.
  3. Design Your Panels
    For example, you can use one panel for the number of employees, another for staff turnover, and another for sick leave – all in the same dashboard.
  4. Choose Your Graphics
    Decide whether to use pie charts, line graphs, bar charts, gauges with green/yellow/red lights, or a combination of several.

    Done! Now let your dashboards deliver your key metrics – neatly, clearly, and always updated in real-time!

    Interested in learning more about the Flex HRM dashboard and how it could benefit your company? Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information!

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