Flex software

How Azure Works – Understanding the Benefits of Public Cloud

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The challenge: ensuring your HRM system runs smoothly 24/7 with minimal technical hassle and maximum security. The solution? Azure! Here you’ll get the essential information you need about the popular cloud platform and what makes it a seamless and secure solution for you and your company.

First Things First: What is Azure? And What is Public Cloud?

Azure is delivered by Microsoft and has become one of the world's largest and most used public cloud platforms. But why is that – what is the reason behind its popularity? There are many reasons, and to better understand all the benefits, it's helpful to first refresh your knowledge of the concept of public cloud. So, let’s start there!

Public cloud is a service where hardware, software, and infrastructure are managed by a cloud provider, which saves costs and simplifies operations. The model typically allows you to access the software via the internet through a subscription – commonly known as SaaS (Software as a Service). Examples of common public cloud services include Office 365, Google Workspace, and Slack.

You’re likely familiar with the differences between private cloud and public cloud, but for clarity, let’s quickly clarify the terminology. Public cloud means that multiple customers share the same physical infrastructure and platform instead of each company having its dedicated resources. One of the significant advantages of this sharing is that the cloud provider can use resources more efficiently and flexibly. But no need to worry – security is still a top priority. With advanced technologies, the cloud provider ensures that your company's data is kept separate from other companies' data, regardless of how many share the same platform.

Why the Cloud?

One of the most obvious benefits of cloud services, in general, is that you can quickly and easily access your services anytime and anywhere. Additionally, it's a hassle-free solution where your company avoids significant investments in its servers and other infrastructure.

Last but not least, the hassle of managing new versions is minimized since all updates are automatic as soon as they are available. This means the IT department can save time, which can instead be spent on more strategic work. At the same time, you can always be confident that you have access to new features and changes – especially important for payroll and HRM systems that must always be synced with the latest rules and laws

Public Cloud – Flexibility and Innovation at a New Level

Scalability and flexibility are other key terms when discussing the benefits of cloud services. And here, the public cloud is particularly smart – precisely because of the sharing principle we just talked about. Not least, it offers significant advantages in terms of system availability and stability. Since the cloud provider can scale capacity up and down, performance can always be kept at its best – even during peak times, such as when timesheets are being approved or payroll is being run.

And the benefits don’t stop there. Azure also opens up new ways to further develop our systems with innovative solutions. By easily integrating new smart technologies such as AI and machine learning, we as a system provider can simply continue to simplify and streamline your HR tasks – and help you as a customer solve both today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.

Finally – and probably most importantly – we have the security benefits. A major reason so many choose Azure is that the platform provides the highest possible level of security and data protection. Let’s take a closer look at how this is achieved.

Why Azure Provides World-Class Security

Are you concerned that public cloud means less security? It's a common worry, but in fact, quite the contrary, public cloud often provides a level of security that's hard to match with other models. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits:

  • Always One Step Ahead of Hackers
    Molntjänster som Azure hanterar enorma mängder data, vilket gör att leverantörerna har skäl att ligga steget före när det gäller säkerhet. Strikta säkerhetsrutiner, automatiserad övervakning och kontinuerliga förbättringar gör att systemen alltid är skyddade mot nya hot.

  • Updated and Protected – Without Lifting a Finger
    När du använder public cloud slipper du att själv hålla koll på uppdateringar och viktiga säkerhetspatchar. Leverantören ser till att både mjukvara och hårdvara är uppdaterade och skyddade – så att IT-avdelningen kan lägga sin tid på andra arbetsuppgifter.

  • Size Matters
    Did you know that Microsoft invests a billion dollars in cloud security – every year? It goes without saying that such a large player has both the resources and expertise to offer security solutions at a level that most companies find difficult to compete with.

  • Compliant with the Toughest Rules and Requirements
    If your business requires compliance with strict data protection rules, such as ISO certifications, public cloud is a safe choice. Providers often meet requirements in several different industries, making it easy for your company to stay within current regulations and policies.

  • Unmatched Physical Security
    Providers also have a high level of physical security in their data centers – with everything from cameras and fire protection to strict access controls – that most other companies find hard to match.

  • Automatic Backups Protect Against Data Loss
    In Azure, your data is protected through regular and automated backups. If the worst should happen, your data can be quickly restored to a previous version – so you can be confident that nothing important is lost.

In Summary

To sum up, there are several factors that make Azure a reliable and efficient solution for running your HRM system. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Offers enormous scalability and flexibility, where resources can easily be scaled up or down depending on needs. The result: stable operations and high performance, unaffected by peak loads.
  • Meets strict security requirements and international standards for the protection of systems and data.
  • Provides perfect conditions to further develop and future-proof systems with innovative technologies like AI.

Questions or Concerns? Feel Free to Contact Us!! 

We hope you now have a good overview of how public cloud works and the benefits the new Azure platform brings. Are you a customer of ours and have questions about the transition? We at Flex are, of course, here for you and will do our best to ensure everything goes smoothly and securely. Feel free to contact us with your questions!

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