Time For a New Payroll Program? 6 Features Your Payroll Department Will Love

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Please be aware that this article primarily pertains to Swedish rules and regulations, which may not necessarily apply or be valid in jurisdictions outside of Sweden.

How does payroll management work at your company? Does it often lead to stress and anxiety during the days leading up to payday? Do you spend an unreasonable amount of time dealing with paperwork, manual data entry, and finding and correcting errors? It doesn't have to be that way – if you seek help from a payroll program with a powerful toolkit. We present to you six features that your payroll department will love!

Your responsibility is to ensure that salaries, compensation, and benefits are paid correctly. You need to keep track of sick leave, vacation, statistical reporting, taxes, and employer contributions. On top of that, you have to navigate through a jungle of laws, regulations, and collective agreements. In short, there's a lot to keep track of for those who handle the company's payroll. Fortunately, there are smart tools and shortcuts available that can simplify your everyday tasks. By choosing a modern system support, you can automate many time-consuming tasks and manual processes – while improving the security and quality of your deliverables. And, of course, making your job more enjoyable is an added bonus.

Is it time to take your payroll management to the next level and provide your payroll department heroes with better tools? Here, we present some of our favorite features in Flex HRM Payroll – your smart cloud-based payroll system.

  1. Payslips at your fingertips

    How do you prefer to access your critical documents? An increasing number of people are choosing to forgo traditional paper mail and email in favor of the latest digital solutions for bills, letters from companies and authorities – and payslips from employers. The smart thing about digital payslips in Flex HRM Payroll is that as an employee, you can access and review your salary and balances in the way that suits you best – anytime, anywhere, and on any device. You can choose to view your payslip on the system's homepage, through the app, or through your digital mailbox Kivra and bank ID. Regardless of your chosen solution, you will always have access to an archive with all previous payslips gathered in one place. Brilliant, isn't it?

    Moreover, by using digital pay slips, you avoid sending sensitive information via email, making it a safe and secure option from a GDPR perspective. Last but not least, the payroll department will definitely have a smoother and more pleasant workday. As an administrator, you avoid paper clutter, manual routines, and postage costs by publishing all payslips directly in the payroll system with just a few clicks.

  2. Employer’s certificate in no time

    As an employer, you are required to provide an employer’s certificate to former employees. This document not only confirms their employment with you but also that they will need to receive compensation through the unemployment insurance fund (in Swedish A-kassa). However, since several details need to be reported, the process can be pretty time-consuming, and the risk of errors is high. In fact, as many as seven out of ten certificates received on paper must be returned because of missing information.

    However, a select group of payroll system providers, including us at Flex Applications, can offer a convenient direct integration with arbetsgivarintyg.nu, the unemployment insurance fund's new service for digital employer certificates. With this integration, you send all employment, salary, and working hour details to the digital service, and they will automatically be placed in the correct sections of the certificate with a simple click in your payroll program. It's easy, time-saving, and minimizes the risk of errors!

  3. Your best friend during wage revisions

    How does your company work with the wage revision process? Does it involve hours of work compiling information from various sources, lots of manual data entry, and double work?Did you know that there are smart tools for digital wage revisions out there that can help you implement new wages much faster and more efficiently? With the wage revision module in Flex HRM, you have everything you need for the wage revision process in one place. You easily create the salary budgets for distribution. After this, managers can revise the wages, and the results are reviewed and approved. Finally, the new salaries are implemented and exported to the payroll system, including any retroactive pay calculations and adjustments – all within an intuitive and seamless workflow.

    Do multiple managers and administrators need to work on the salary review simultaneously? No problem with Flex HRM Payroll! With the help of status rows and color graphics, all involved parties have a complete overview of the different steps, what has been completed, and what remains to be done all the way to the finish line.

  4. A smart shortcut to the correct tax table

    Every new year comes with a set of routines for those working in payroll. One of those routines is updating your records with the correct tax table for each employee, done through a so-called FOS request (in Swedish FOS-förfrågan). In the past, payroll administrators had to run the system, create and save a request file, upload it to the Swedish Tax Agency, wait several days for a response file, and then upload it again into the payroll system – not the most efficient process, to say the least! However, now there is a smart direct connection (API) between Flex HRM Payroll and the Swedish Tax Agency's service, which allows you to directly retrieve updated information for the employee registry with a simple click – without any hassle with files and annoying waiting times.

    In fact, as many as seven out of ten certificates received on paper must be returned because of missing information.

  5. Accurate data in = accurate data out

    No successful payroll run without accurate input data. Work hours, schedules, absences, travel expenses, and all other relevant monthly data must be in place for the payslips to be correct. Ideally, you would like to reduce manual intervention along the way. Using a fully integrated solution like Flex HRM makes it easy to get it right since all transactions from the time and travel module are effortlessly imported into the payroll management with a single click. When all aspects of personnel administration are synchronized, you can avoid paperwork and manual data entry, allowing more time for essential tasks such as quality assurance and follow-up.

    Furthermore, Flex HRM Payroll offers a smart file import feature, perfect for quickly and conveniently importing a spreadsheet of meal vouchers or benefit values for payroll preparation.

  6. Work confidently with built-in control systems

    Logging, traceability, and quality assurance... These are terms that increasingly come up in discussions regarding payroll programs and processes – and rightfully so, in our opinion. As a payroll administrator, you juggle many complex processes and intricate calculations that must be accurate. Let's take vacation calculations as an example. In Flex HRM Payroll, we've made sure that you, as an administrator, can track exactly how the calculations were made – at every step of the process – so that you can work in a traceable and transparent manner and quickly identify any inaccuracies.

    Another example is the PAYE tax return (Arbetsgivardeklaration på individnivå, AGI, in Swedish). By using Flex HRM Payroll, you gain access to a built-in control system with pop-up messages and color markers that highlight potential errors in the report to the Swedish Tax Agency. With this integrated quality assurance, you can feel confident even when dealing with the more complex aspects of payroll administration – and keep calm if you were to be called in for an audit.

Curious to learn more about these and other smart features in Flex HRM Payroll – our web-based payroll program that provides managers and the payroll department with a simpler and more efficient workday? Please contact us and we will tell you more!

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