“Flex Is Committed to Constantly Developing Their System” – Real Estate Company Wallenstam on the Benefits of Using Flex HRM

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When the real estate company Wallenstam decided to switch its HRM system, Flex HRM checked the most boxes on their requirement list. Here, HR Generalist Nina Lindgren shares the story of their switch and how Flex HRM has improved their daily operations.

Wallenstam is a real estate company with approximately 250 employees focused on building, developing, and managing properties in Gothenburg, Stockholm, and Uppsala. With a vision to be the obvious choice for residents and businesses, they strive to create secure places and areas people want to live in, work at, and visit.

Nina Lindgren has a broad role within Wallenstam's HR department and is responsible for the Flex HRM system.

– We use Flex's time reporting, payroll och HR system. I would say that all employees use the time reporting, the staff appraisal module, and check their “employee card” when needed. Managers also use the wage revision feature. Within HR, we use the modules in their entirety on a daily basis.

"The reception we received from Flex was incredibly pleasant!

She sees several advantages of using Flex HRM.

– Flex stood out when we considered changing the system because they met most of our requirements. The fact that the reception was incredibly pleasant and that Flex strongly emphasizes continuous system development were also significant reasons for choosing Flex. The interface is also considerably more user-friendly than our previous system.

Having Everything HR-related in One Single System

Nina adds that another advantage is that the system consolidates most HR functions.

– With our previous system, we felt several aspects were missing for our HR to evolve digitally. Therefore, we established a requirement specification outlining what we needed and wanted. Then, we looked for various HR systems that could fulfill our requirements, and it was Flex that ultimately met our needs.   

Nina says that the transition to Flex HRM has gone smoothly.  

– We carefully planned and communicated the system switch before implementation, and I believe this was a significant reason why many found it straightforward and an improvement from the previous system. There was, of course, a lot to learn in the beginning, and there still is, but our fantastic onboarding consultants, Isabella and Susanne, guided us every step of the way.       

Flex’s support is also readily available when needed, Nina says.

– The support works excellently when we need assistance! I'd also like to give a shout-out to the bookable consultants we regularly use. It's nice to have the same consultant who, over time, gains a deeper understanding and can therefore assist us more efficiently and smoothly.

According to Nina, the user-friendliness and accessibility of Flex HRM have made daily life easier for both managers and employees. She highlights a few examples:

– Many employees appreciate reporting their time through the app. The modules for wage revision and staff appraisals have also simplified our processes.

About Wallenstam 

Wallenstam primarily builds, develops, and manages properties in Stockholm and Gothenburg. In close collaboration with the city, they strive to create secure places and areas people want to live in, work in, and visit. Wallenstam offers a high-quality range of housing in both cities and has chosen to concentrate their commercial properties in Gothenburg. They take environmental issues and the increased need for security in society very seriously and constantly explore new opportunities to build, develop, and operate more sustainably.

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